Firstly I wanted a name like no other, and after quickly discovering there are already several Celestial Phoenixes out there I went with my gut, and chose the newest word in my vocabulary, the not so common, but equally as regal and angelic....
- beauteous, morally good, pure
Followed by, and making it somewhat of a tongue twister, the magnificent....
- in ancient history seen as a symbol of good fortune, status and wealth
Hi, I'm Bex, a thirty something crystal lover, with an eye for anything that sparkles straight from the earth and all her mineral counterparts
It's 2020, and boy don't we know it!
After loosing the best part of a year's work in
the events industry, I turned to my personal collection of crystals to inspire me
After deep diving into learning about mining practices, lapidary, ethical sourcing, online live sales and marketing, I decided to do it...
Put my stamp on a small square foot of the internet, making it a vision of pulchritude complemented by the energies of
Mother Nature's finest Earth grown wares
After sketching my initial designs I turned to my
graphic design skills to create my beautiful crystal
Sphynx... introducing Minx